- Atsumi Kiyoshi, famous for his role in Tora-san, stars as Aoki Goichi, a veteran train conductor who dedicates himself in providing quality service to his passengers. With his many years of experience, he never fails to find solutions for any troubles that occur along the way. A comedic drama revolving around the lives…
- 殺人を仕事とする盗っ人集団に仕掛人トリオが挑戦するサスペンス時代劇。緒形拳出演のシリーズ最高傑作! 漆問屋の小津屋一家が盗賊に惨殺された。盗賊一味の仕掛けを頼まれた梅安は、首領の顔を見て愕然とする…。