- In an attempt to reunite with her dead girlfriend , Maya evokes dark forces through occult rituals.
- 该片讲述了孙悟空分身为神体行者和凡人悟空,寻恩报恩的故事。孙悟空不顾唐僧阻拦,欲报恩小妖月如,但在清心咒作用下分裂成一心报恩的悟空和一念修行的行者。一心报恩的悟空无意中破坏了天庭神将心月狐的阴谋;一念修行的行者坚定地要拆散私自下凡的黄袍怪的姻缘。失去神体的悟空与失去法力的行者不但要应对天庭神将的假公济私,还面对法力通天…
- With the United States gripped in the panic of the Cold War, President Dwight D. Eisenhower deems homosexuals to be "security risks" and orders the immediate firing of any government employee discovered to be gay or lesbian. It triggers a vicious witch hunt that lasts for forty years and ruins thousands of li…