- oanna Lumley sets out to explore one of the most diverse and surprising countries in Europe, where much of western civilisation began. On her odyssey, Joanna encounters both the ancient and modern aspects of Greece, touching on how the origins of drama, democracy, science, philosophy and medicine can be found here, and…
- 13名来自过去数季《天桥骄子》的时装设计师将重返该节目,向与他们失之交臂的冠军发起第二次挑战。超模Angela Lindvall担任该节目的主持人,世界著名时装设计师Isaac Mizrahi和Georgina Chapman担任评委,《Marie Claire》杂志主编Joanna Coles担任顾问。每一集都有时装界的标志性人物担当客座评委,他们当中包括Miss Piggy、超模Mi…