- Someone"s trying to make the students sick at the upscale boarding school, Danforth Academy! Abby, Paige, Claire and Taylor, join forces to solve the mystery. Could it be Mia or Riley - the girls who have everything that money can buy? Or Emily the know it all Principal"s daughter? Maybe it"s the wacky S…
- 知名魔術師在舞台上替滿座的觀眾表演一項危險魔術時暴斃,看似猝死卻被發現是一起謀殺案,紐約一名填字遊戲的編輯(及業餘偵探)和一名紐約警探聯手調查這起死亡魔術幕後的真正兇手。兩人在缺乏明確證據的情況下,合力施展他們的調查技法,將兇手繩之以法。