搜索 Jonatha

  • 我们需要衣服有口袋,因为它可以装东西,可以给予温暖,因为它贴身,能够守住秘密。本片打破了这个常识,一个男人拥有一个可以连接任意口袋的“万能口袋”。男主角无意中发现了这个秘密,他和女友的性命危在旦夕。
  • 詹姆斯是一个有抱负的摄影师,他爱上了库珀,一个酗酒的社会名流,而库珀的日常工作却是一个清醒的司机。在这段闪电般的浪漫恋爱结束时,他们不得不在梦想和内心之间做出选择,虽然他们都知道这两种方式都不容易下决定。
  • On the outskirts of the U.S. Civil War, a boy is sent north by his bounty hunter gang to retrieve a wanted man.
  • 二十八岁的乔治亚坚信,她的梦中情人就是高中时代“逃之夭夭”的那个人。虽然她试过和其他男人约会,但他们似乎永远都比不上她高中时的激情。当乔治亚在圣诞节前一周得知她的高中同学聚会时,她欣喜若狂,终于有机会赢回克雷格。但是当她重新回到高中的一个晚上,她开始意识到可能根本不是克雷格离开的,而是本,一个她失去联系的老朋友。
  • When a pair of feuding colleagues, Kyle and Jenna are thrown together after their siblings, Jim and Trisha fall in love, they have to learn to get along in time for their nephew's birth on Christmas. Realizing Jim and Trisha have major money troubles, Kyle and Jenna band together to help and end up on a snowy New York …
  • Featuring: Graham Agassiz, Gee Atherton, Adam Billinghurst, Matt Hunter, Cam McCaul, Anthony Messere, Brandon Semenuk, Wade Simmons, Andrew Shandro, Rene Wildhaber and Thomas Vanderham. With appearances from: Rachel Atherton, Steve Smith, Aaron Gwin, Ryan Howard, Tracy Moseley, Tyler McCaul, Steve Peat, Greg Watts and …
  • On 13 September 1940, 80,000 Italian troops marched into Egypt to threaten the epicentre of the British Empire at a critical point in the Second World War.By 1942, the desert skirmish in North Africa had become pivotal to what was by then a truly global conflict, with hundreds of thousands of men from over ten nations …
  • 电影动作
    一个不明飞行物被军方摄影机拍到突然坠毁在西雅图的普吉特湾,而后引发了一系列极不寻常的气象和地质现象:地震、龙卷风、闪电……而且,灾害在持续蔓延中。不明飞行物上的神秘化学反应制造出一个超级风暴,令西雅图市变成人间地狱。随着风暴能量不断增强,整个北美地区都面临毁灭的危险。  西雅图正在举行反对世界贸易组织的和平抗议行动,却…