搜索 Jones

  • When wealthy Lucille Ainsworth (Ursula Howelss) is found strangled on Hampstead Heath, Detective Inspector Marshall is put on the case. Lucille’s husband Robert (Griffith Jones) suspected her of being unfaithful, and had been following her…
  • For nine years BBC Wales journalist Gareth Jones has been following the Queens Dragoon Guards - The Welsh Cavalry - as they take on insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan. He's been with the same small group of soldiers as they endure extreme conditions, get ambushed by the Taliban and lose comrades to roadside bombs. In t…
  • Two schoolteachers take their rivalry to a new level, while they scramble to win a holiday baking contest.
  • 平静的乡间小路上,驶来了一辆美国邮政车。邮递员将一封征兵信投入了名叫拜泰姆•巴尼(Bertram Bunny)的人的邮箱。当邮政车离开后,喷出的尾气却将信件吹到了空中,阴差阳错之下,征兵信落入了兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)B. Bunny的洞中。正在家中做运动的兔八哥看到信件,虽然有些不敢相信,可还是如约来到了征兵处。身形矮小的兔…
  • Rocket City Rednecks is led by Travis Taylor and his team of redneck geniuses. In his younger years, Travis started out cleaning chicken coops, but for the past two decades he’s been a research scientist with the Department of Defense and NASA. Sometimes big science moves too slow for Travis, so come the weekends he “g…
  • 多么美好而又令人心头一暖的场面,胖胖的牛头犬马克·安东尼(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)和小猫咪相互依偎,酣然入睡,享受恬静舒适的快乐时光。这时,马克听到主人的谈话,厨房里有老鼠出现,女主人虽然担心猫儿太小,但男主人觉得有必要扔掉小猫,买一只会抓老鼠的猫回来。闻听此言,马克大惊失色,他连忙叫醒小可爱,让猫儿钻进洞里抓嚣…
  • 肉店的橱窗外面,拥有一根毛茸茸大尾巴的黄猫(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)正对着里面的美味唉声叹气。然而美食还没到口,他就被穷凶极恶的肉店老板踢飞,之后被凶巴巴的老妇人用扫帚打跑,还遭到恶犬的袭击。黄猫真是郁闷极了,他希望能早点儿结束这种倒霉的生活。突然间,他灵机一动,不如把自己打扮成臭鼬的模样。黄猫说干就干,不仅在身…