- Set in 1989, Jake (Harmon), an out-of-work photojournalist who struggles with addiction and a troubled past, takes a job as watchman of a wilderness lodge on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest, alongside veteran handyman Sparky (Granger). Jake sets up a darkroom to develop the photos he shoots, which begin to rev…
- Ainsley (Kelsey Gunn) is a misanthrope who hates people but when she suddenly finds herself in isolation with no one to talk to, she realizes how much she actually misses connection. Enter Ulysses, a dead mouse in a jar. With a little bit of loneliness, a pinch of imagination, and a mouse- sized tuxedo, Ulysses becomes…
- A story of ambition, religion, family, and revenge set in the 19th century. A Danish priest travels to Iceland with a mission to build a church and photograph the people amidst an unforgiving landscape. While fulfilling his duties an unlikely romance and a savagery feud push him into temptation.