- 九歲大的墨西哥男孩派特羅跟著雙親一同來到美國,卻和同學老師們格格不入。其實派特羅只是個喜愛動物的純真男孩,卻交不到知心好友,總在巷弄間進行一個人的小小冒險。Told through the eyes of a Mexican boy named Pedro, this short documentary portrays the magic, the nightmare and mystery, t…
- Original narration by Orson Welles; made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.Animation. Using the cut-out style of animation I tried to marry the classic engravings of Gustave Dore to the classic poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge through a classic narrator: Orson Welles. It's a long opium dream o…
- 1. Truth Of My Youth2. Understatement3. 2's and 3's4. Hit Or Miss5. Failure's Not Flattering6. This Disaster7. Something I Call Personality8. Better Off Dead9. Sonny10. Head On Collision11. Your Biggest Mistake12. It's Been A Summer13. Dressed To Kill14. I Don't Wanna Know15. Forget My Name16. My Friends Over You17. Th…
- 这部产于2006年夏的史诗般巨作出自法国著名的视频制作团队NBAEvolutionTeam,完整描述了JORDAN整个职业生涯,画面绚丽,配乐雄壮,气势磅礴.其中配乐采用了多部经典电影中的有名乐曲,如指环王,加勒比海盗等.整部作品也以背景音乐为主,少数经典部分截取了球员或者解说原音,可以说是有别于世面所有篮球视频作品的少有的上乘之作.而且其精妙之处在于仅…
- 內容介紹:Santana成功地把拉丁音樂融合進布魯斯、搖滾樂當中,成為這種音樂流派的領軍人物,在70、80年代的國際樂壇享有盛名。樂隊以靈魂人物Carlos Santana/卡洛斯‧桑塔那的姓氏命名,1966年成立於舊金山,最初也是一支經常在舞廳演出的迷幻搖滾樂隊。儘管樂隊同樣受到受到當時舊金山迷幻之音的影響,但樂隊獨特的拉丁、非洲音樂感覺卻從未涉…
- Conflict documentarian Jordan Bryon is invited by a Taliban Commander to film the daily life of a Taliban unit after the fall of Kabul for the New York Times. A stressful assignment for any documentarian, but this assignment proves to be particularly tumultuous because Bryon is in the process of a gender transition. Un…