- Life of Kylie is an American reality television series starring Kylie Jenner. The eight-part half-hour series premiered on August 6, 2017, on the E! cable network.The reality series was greenlit on April 10, 2017. On May 11, 2017, E! released the first promo video of the series.
- Theoriginalcrime-solvingmeijubar.netseriesPrivateEyesisa10-episodeproceduraldramathatfollowsex-prohockeyplayerMattShade(JasonPriestley)whoirrevocablychangeshislifewhenhedecidestoteamupwithfierceP.I.AngieEverett(CindySampson)toformanunlikelyinvestigativepowerhouse.Throughtheirnewpartnership,Shadeisforcedtoexaminewhoheha…
- God Bless the Broken Road tells the story of a young mother who loses her husband in Afghanistan and struggles to raise their young daughter in his absence. The film combines elements of faith, country music, and stock car racing while paying tribute to those who serve in the United States Military.