搜索 Jose

  • 一个德国女孩前往西班牙度假,在虚荣和物质的诱惑下,落入一个专门针对漂亮女孩的圈套......
  • car accident and consequences.....
  • 优迪(赛义夫·阿里·汗饰)是住在洛杉矶的一位作家,由于五年半前写过一本畅销书而闻名。之后他过得舒适的生活,名气、金钱、美女,他应 有尽有,直至有一天,江郎才尽的他被新晋女作家阿奇尔(伊莱亚娜·狄克鲁兹饰)所取代,他的人生面临重大转折。一方面,优迪被阿奇尔的才 华和气质所 倾倒,人生第一次说出“我爱你”,另一方面,他不得不…
  • Kung fu champ John is given the chance to train CIA agents in martial arts by using self-hypnosis. But when he discovers the reason he escapes and the CIA go after him. John must fight for his life all over Europe as he flees the CIA.
  • 电影
    Spinning Plates is a documentary about three extraordinary restaurants and the incredible people who make them what they are. A cutting-edge restaurant named the seventh-best in the world whose chef must battle a life-threatening obstacle to pursue his passion. A 150-year-old family restaurant still standing only becau…
  • 电影
  • The story of the famous battle between the Scots clans of Macdonald and Campbell, and the young woman who comes between them, Annie Laurie.
  • 2013哈瓦那电影节最佳影片提名。2013蒙特利尔国际电影节最佳拉丁美洲影片。《综艺》杂志称其画面美的令人窒息。年轻男孩的母亲死于暴力罪行,他决定去和素未谋面的外婆一起住。他在乡下的旅程,与罹癌外婆所计划的最后一程交错在一起, 失去挚爱的他们,未来的路的将一起同行。