搜索 Josef

  • BONA loves Gardo. Gardo loves Gardo. Gardo loves going to bed with almost any woman he can attract. Once - apparently in the absence of anyone better - he even takes Bona to bed, but by the next morning, the matter seems to have slipped his mind.Bona is a grave-looking woman who drops out of school to pursue her crush …
  • 几次针对性的对话和罕见的录像揭示了约瑟夫·弗里茨勒可怕的罪行。他虐待并性情亲生女儿长达数十年之久。
  • 本片为《胡斯党三部曲》(Hussite trilogy)首部曲。是由奥塔卡·瓦夫拉(Otakar Vavra,著名导演,1963年后任布拉格电影学院教授,早年参加“左翼阵线”,属于受当局信任的“老同志”,南斯拉夫大导演库斯图里卡的恩师)导演。扬·胡斯,15世纪要求宗教改革的新教传教士,后被提天主教会烧死,他的信徒们之后掀起了长达十八年的宗教战争。本片…
  • 电影
    In 1936, Jakub Vilda was a championship professional boxer from Czechoslovakia. He was in Munich, battling his German rival Kurt Schaller, when his manager called off the match. Puzzled and angry, he returned to Prague to train for another match and to find a new manager. When he learns that the Nazis were pressuring h…
  • 原文:http://www.cesky-jazyk.cz/ctenarsky-denik/karel-polacek/hostinec-u-kamenneho-stolu.html(谷歌翻译):故事讲的是在风景如画的水桶温泉镇下一块大石头,围绕谁后的老客栈运行在石表看几个主角。书中没有主角,波拉切克更有可能描绘出人类的各种蜡像。它描述了各种人类类型的特点,状似取笑他们和他们的小毛病嘲笑和普通的习惯,每天…
  • This existential drama about the disillusionment of a Communist military officer was based on a novel by Jifií Kfienek that had in the sixties paradoxically received an award in a military literary contest held. Lieutenant Ernest is at his…
  • 十三岁的Nelly在罗马尼亚度假时发现她家人要搬到罗马尼亚的秘密计划。于是她采取逃跑的措施来避免要定居在罗马尼亚的事实,但她直接走到了绑架者的手中,绑架者的头目是一位德国工程师,工程师通过迫使当地人离开家乡来催婚Nelly父亲所接手的一个能源项目。Nelly的父母在神秘的Holzinger先生的帮助下寻找Nelly,Nelly也在两个小男孩的帮助下…
  • A military veteran and former mercenary named Frenchy is haunted by his childhood, as well as his past in the military.
  • 贡特自小天资聪颖,却在溺爱关怀之下,完全得不到脱离母亲视线的机会,他必须在父亲的屠宰房中,一面看著猪只被开膛剖腹,血流满地一面练习小提琴,如此充满矛盾的成长环境,固然造就了他的音乐才能和羞涩孤僻的个性,也塑造贡特怪异的举止,像是带著一群猪出门散步,或者在教堂演奏时莫名其妙的崩溃大叫,种种无法理解的行为,让贡特成为邻里村…
  • Adam and Eva have been married for four years. But the romance has disappeared from their relationship and has been replaced by boredom and old routine. When Adam meets his brother's baby-sitter, Jackie, he is immediately attracted to her. They have an affair, but Adam tell himself that they are only friends. However, …