- Journey to the East introduces traditions of ancient Chinese culture while systematically exploring contemporary China.
- 薩滿,在鄂溫克人心中是「智者」之意,大草原上的薩滿額日登,藉由儀式來溝通生靈萬物,替人看病驅邪,但有時感到力不從心,為了增強法力,額日登想用凶猛動物的禽毛做為法器。他與家人來到北京城,希望能得到一束獅子的鬃毛。在躁動的現代城市中,一抹純粹的信仰與靈魂隱隱發光,浮現詼諧且動人的景象。
- As Alex Salmond stands down as first minister, Brian Taylor looks back at his political life. With contributions from the man himself, colleagues, opponents and those who have worked most closely with him behind the scenes. Brian sets out to discover if anyone truly knows the real Alex Salmond and asks what his politic…