搜索 Juh

  • The movie "Saimaa-Ilmiö" goes deep to Finnish rock-culture and artists behind the swing. Later all bands playing in the movie as kind of young rebels, has been continuing making their art and most of them are today legends or sup…
  • 爱沙尼亚无声电影讲述1918-1920年爱沙尼亚人反抗苏联军队的独立战争。是爱沙尼亚影史上的一部经典。Noored Kotkad is an Estonian war and adventure silent film about Estonian War of Independence, fought in 1918-1920. Year is 1918. Many volunteers are joined with Estoni…
  • The film depicts the psychological journey of a young woman named Victoria. Since her childhood she has been sexually abused by her family. One day she decides to escape but the world is against her and she soon finds herself cast into an inferno of torture and punishment. This causes her unimaginable suffering but she…
  • 故事发生在十九世纪末,富家子弟伊格纳茨(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)爱上了表亲薇勒瑞(詹妮弗·艾莉 Jennifer Ehle 饰),并且不顾家人的反对娶其为妻,甚至为了仕途而抛弃了家族的姓氏,彻底和亲人决裂。最终,伊格纳茨勃勃的野心不仅伤害 了薇勒瑞,亦让他自己疲惫不堪。 亚当(Sándor Szakácsi 饰)是伊格纳茨的小儿子,面…
  • 1919年俄国革命后,内战爆发,在伏尔加河平原上,不少匈牙利人加入了苏维埃红军同白军展开消耗战……一名来自匈牙利的红军士兵被杀死在村边的河流中,白军驱车在村庄宣传,似乎胜利已经在握。落魄的红军战士跑回营地,而那里同样有白军俘虏,红军除去俘虏的衣服羞辱他们,但是转眼间营地又被白军包围, 这次失去军装的是红军士兵,一身军装成为…
  • 流行音樂作曲家G-Feel得知前女友允姬在越南去世之後,失去創作靈感,整日借酒澆愁。一天,他在網路上看到一段彈琴的影片,彈奏者是個夢想成為音樂家的越南女孩「玫」。一股難以言喻的情感湧上G-Feel心頭,他隨即將玫彈奏的曲調改編成流行音樂。他想聯絡玫,卻沒有她的聯絡方式,衝動之下就去了越南。在那裡,他遇到了玫,卻沒認出她就是自己正在…
  • An edgy, warm, and raw drama about suburban teenagers who unexpectedly have to deal with grown up problems of pregnancy, while extreme right ideas begin to encroach on their multicultural neighbourhood. STUPID YOUNG HEART is about the first love between the skinny and carefree Lenni and the gorgeous and popular Kiira. …
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    보이지만 가려져 있는 마을 희망촌. 해방과 한국전쟁 이후 피난민과 이재민들이 정착하면서 형성된 마을 '희망촌'은 언제부터 성매매업소들이 생겨나면서 '희매촌'으로 불린다. 성매매업소 집결지로만 인식된 공간에서 터를 잡고 오랜 세월을 살아가고 있는 마을 주민들이 있다.
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