- When the hurricane shuts down the ferry, a film team gets stuck in an isolated island hospital, known for a silent psychological war between the inmates and the staff.
- ZUCKERBROT UND PEITSCHE (“Sugar Bread and Whip”) was the second feature film written and directed by Marran Gosov. For more information about him and the so-called “Munich group”, check out the biography below (well, kind of) which I typed…
- 《태권동자 마루치 아라치》는 1977년에 제작된 대한민국의 애니메이션이다. 1974년초부터 방송된 문화방송의 어린이 라디오 연속극 《태권동자 마루치》를 토대로 만들었다.‘마루치’와 ‘아라치’는 2004년 영화 아라한 장풍 대작전에서 다시 등장한다.
- 2009年萨尔茨堡音乐节以舞台制作的形式,上演亨德尔的清唱剧《西奥多拉》,讲述早期基督教殉难者的故事。该制作在萨尔茨堡节日剧院演出,Ivor Bolton指挥弗赖堡巴洛克乐团,萨尔茨堡巴赫合唱团,由Christof Loy担任舞台导演。
- Ryan discovers his friend Brent is the father of one of his girlfriends twins babies and that he date raped her at a party over the summer. With college around the corner he will stop at nothing to clear his name.