- Big Junior comes to town with a briefcase loaded with heroin. He has a meeting set up in his motel room with Skip Fawn, a local drug dealer/pimp. Fawn's girlfriend, a trashy whore named Lainey, comes along for the buy. The drug deal goes off without a hitch, but the rest of the evening quickly becomes a dark journey in…
- Super Junior成员利特、银赫、东海日前出演了MBC电视台旅行真人秀节目《美好的一天》。意气投合的三人利用全年唯一的休假到瑞士旅行,节目组跟随三人的脚步记录了旅行过程中发生的很多趣事,还有相识十五年的三人之间的真心谈话。
- 韩国人气男团Super Junior在南美洲4国举办巡回演唱会为期12天,南美大长征已被MBC制作成6集纪录片。13日根据MBCMUSIC相关人士透露:“我台已对SJ在南美洲巡演的点滴制作成为纪录片将在13日起通过节目《super show5》播出,敬请关注。”节目《super show5》记录了4月末韩国组合SJ首次在南美的巴西、阿根廷、智利和秘鲁4国举行的为期12天的巡回…