搜索 Jānis

  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影魔幻
  • After Rémi infidelity, Lila, who loved him more than anything, has a hard time dealing with their break-up. One day, he announces that he will travel alone to Bolivia to soul-search and tryto understand his mistakes. There, he lets her kno…
  • Philip Marlowe gets involved when limp-wristed and snidely Leslie Murdock steals a rare doubloon from his mother to give to a newsreel photographer in exchange for film that is being used for blackmail purposes. Marlowe's involvement has him encounter a girl who goes into hysterics when touched by a man; a husband-kill…
  • Paula Hudson purchases a mink coat on a tip from her hairdresser. She later finds out it is stolen. The police question her and she says she bought it from a fashion model. When the police question the hairdresser and the model, both deny any knowledge of the fur. Paula later meets with a man to discuss the fur. She di…
  • Bad Blood...The Hunger! For several College Students embarked on a summer of sun and fun find that their adventure turns eerily Macabre when dark and ancient forces propel them into a sinister Enclave peopled by Human, Night-Stalking, Ravenous, Flesh-Eaters whose wit and seemingly benign exteriors hide dreadful and dea…
  • 孤独而漫长的夜晚,唐老鸭(Clarence Nash 配音)独坐窗边,提笔写下了他和黛西的恋爱往事。遥想当年,唐可谓一个举止优雅、风度翩翩的英俊绅士。在那个晴朗的日子里,他坦然自若地从坡上走过,偏巧这一幕被站在窗口的美丽姑娘黛西(Vivi Janiss 配音)看到。黛西爱慕这位君子,于是梳妆打扮,以最美丽动人的容颜出现在唐的面前。无奈唐不为所动…
  • Do姐有问题(Sr.4)