搜索 Kaa

  • A World War II Hollywood propaganda film detailing the dark underside of Nazism and the Third Reich set between two brothers, Kurt and Erik Franken, who are SS officers in the Nazi party. Kurt learns and exposes the evils of the system to Erik and tries to convince him of the immoral stance that marches under the symbo…
  • A young cop needs to show his true potential to catch a gangster and to win his love.
  • Three people - an army man, a writer and a musician - confess their most personal secrets to each other on a rainy Christmas Eve somewhere in Srinagar, Kashmir, while a fourth person, the writer's camera assistant, stands as a mute spectator and records everything on his camera.
  • 「見た者は死ぬ」と言われる“もうひとりの自分”ドッペルゲンガーをテーマにしたホラーサスペンス。「もうひとりの自分がいる」感覚に悩まされる未来。そして、彼女の友人が惨殺される事件が発生する中、未来は真相を求め意外な人物と再会する。自分の分身“ドッペルゲンガー”の存在に怯える少女の姿を描いたサイコホラー。
  • 心底善良的塔拉姆达斯早年丧妻,只身将阿沙和凯丝莉两个女儿养大成人。塔拉姆达斯视两个女儿为掌上明珠。当长女阿沙和韦卡斯成亲的时候,塔拉姆达斯将自己的一家工厂作为陪嫁送给了阿沙和韦卡斯。一天,韦卡斯乘飞机去孟买,准备拜访好友阿南。不料,他乘坐的飞机中途坠毁,韦卡斯不幸遇难。塔拉姆达斯失去乘龙快婿悲痛欲绝。他一度打算将那家工…
  • Ambikapathy ('Pakoda' Pandian) comes to Chennai. Marina beach welcomes him. He turns a sundal seller to run his livelihhood. He comes across a host of characters and his perspective on life changes. His cool and casual manners wins him the admiration of other boys employed at the shores.An old man (Sundararajan) and po…
  • 玫瑰和Levent,两个人不同的性格。他们是两个非常相似的生活,选择看两个相反的点。年轻,漂亮,成功,有事业心,知道自己想要什么,强势上涨的商业女性。 Prensiyken的大型控股企业的老板,所有的值提供给他,离开这个城市生活的一个村庄,纯净的生活选择和Levent。一切都是巧合的是,面对他们开始。一个无情的挑战... IK智能锋利如剑!你…