- Thirteen year-old Holly Hobbie lives with her family in Collinsville, a picture perfect North American small town with main-street values. Each episode follows Holly trying to make the world a better place, while tackling the everyday challenges of growing up – from bullies to breakouts, crushes to curfews. Holly’s pri…
- Thirteen year-old Holly Hobbie lives with her family in Collinsville, a picture perfect North American small town with main-street values. Each episode follows Holly trying to make the world a better place, while tackling the everyday challenges of growing up – from bullies to breakouts, crushes to curfews. Holly’s pri…
- Thirteenyear-oldHollyHobbieliveswithherfamilyinCollinsville,apictureperfectNorthAmericansmalltownwithmain-streetvalues.EachepisodefollowsHollytryingtomaketheworldabetterplace,whiletacklingtheeverydaychallengesofgrowingup–frombulliestobreakouts,crushestocurfews.Holly’sprinciplemissioninSeason1issavingthestrugglingCalico…