- Srikandi is a female figure from the Indian Mahabharata epic that changes gender to live and fight as an equal among men. This character is a role model for eight highly personal perspectives on lesbian, bisexual and transidentity life in Islamic Indonesia. The film, which began as a collective project, moves from pers…
- Eoin Warner驾驶一艘140年历史的加尔韦胡克船出海,展示爱尔兰西部岛屿非凡的野生魔力,从Inishtrahull外面的沙皮鲨到科克海岸上的白尾海雕。
- 影片由包豪斯创新教育事业和先锋思潮中诞生的视觉科学出发,重点讨论包括瓦尔特•格罗皮乌斯和约翰•伊顿等学校知名负责人的办学方针,将包豪斯的历史置于魏玛共和国的政治动荡与经济喧嚣中,回顾其由魏玛迁至德绍和柏林的三个发展阶段。德绍包豪斯提供的罕见档案影像和对包括校友及名人的访谈展示学校在建筑、戏剧、摄影、家居设计等多方面成果…
- Robinson is shipwrecked off the coast of the extreme south of Spain. After a tremendous struggle in the stormy waters, he manages to reach the safety of the shore and save his life. He is an anonymous exile in a foreign land, just like so many other thousand of black Africans. Robinson manages to find some work in one …