- “猎龙专案”特攻队根据可靠线报来源,得知十大枪击要犯之首陈兴发的藏身处,于是全体出动围剿。怎料,这是陈兴发故意捉弄警方,令得警方扑了空。 陈兴发在贫穷农村中成长,绰号阿龙,自从小十分顽劣。某天,陈兴发在偷东西时被抓到警察局,警官李富兴见他少不经事,所以就放他一马送他回家。返家后,陈新发的妈妈告诉说李富兴他从一生下来的时…
- Global,aCanadianTVnetwork,announcedthatitshitseriesRookieBluewillpremiereonThursday,June16at10PM.Obviously,theserieswillalsobeairedonABC,anAmericanTVnetwork.Thefirstseasonsfollowsfiverookiesfromapolicedepartment(MissyPeregrym,GregorySmith,CharlotteSullivan,TravisMilneandEnukaOkuma).Inthesecondseason,they’vegotmoreexper…
- Razzmatazz tells the story of three siblings who meet up for the first time after 20 years to mark the anniversary of their parents' murder-suicide and when a ruthless reporter tries to blackmail them, things turn bloody fairly quickly.
- A lovely summer by the river is broken by the Great War. After it, nothing is the same. Everybody lives, but not everybody loves. The story of a man who didn't have the courage to stand for the one he loved.