- This is a satire film that announced the arrival of a new bangladeshi cinema. The story of the film unfolds in humorous and sharp manners, touching on issues such as religious view, generation gap, tradition and modernization, and family love all at the same time. Amin Patowary, an extreme islamist imam (religious lead…
- Death of Yazdgerd, is a poetic and political work exploring the cruel and tragic dynamics of a class-based society. War is raging. King Yazdgerd's body is discovered in a run-down mill in the Iranian desert. Charged with murder, the miller, his wife and his sickly daughter must tell their story to the commanders to esc…
- Fabienne Bourrier是法国埃罗省Sète岛上的一名女警官,大部分工作时间里她都在寻捕偷渡客,非法劳工和非法劳工。这个常态被一名年轻妓女Olga的死亡所打破。尽管各项证据显示这是一次自杀事件,但Fabienne知道有人在追捕Olga,而且她还有一个儿子Ilan莫名的同情心激发起Fabienne的斗志,她开始寻找那个下落不明的孩子......