搜索 Karo

  • 电影恐怖
    厌倦了都市的枯燥和紧张气氛,正当盛年的大学教授安德烈•瓦伦迪诺维奇(Marat Basharov 饰)携妻子伊娃和女儿萨琛妮卡来到一个偏远小镇居住,他在当地的女子教会小学找到一份工作,而且校方专门把萨琛妮卡安排在安德烈所担任班主任的班级中。这一切都让他倍感满意和幸福。然而喜悦并未持续多久,在上班的第一天他便陷入焦虑之中。他所负责的班…
  • The thirteen-year-old Daniel lives with his parents in Berlin. During the summer holidays, the parents decide to take Daniel on an adventure holiday in the countryside. Here he meets the saucy girl Lucie and her brothers. This acquaintance brings him thrilling experiences. His desire for a vacation full of adventure se…
  • 本片荣获罗马国际电影节观众选择最佳影片奖。该片主要讲述一名联合国派遣的警察对上世纪90年代中期发生在前南斯拉夫地区的一场悲剧事件展开的调查。
  • 电影喜剧
  • Musical performance, inspired by the operettas of Hungarian composer Imre (Emmerich) Kalman.
  • 影片详细梗概:      1942年夏,乌克兰伏罗希洛夫州顿巴斯矿区的小城克拉斯诺顿陷落在德寇铁蹄之下,该市党政军民有组织地进行疏散和撤退。井长、老党员瓦尔柯奉命炸毁新建的一号矿井。地下州委书记普罗庆柯离城前,向地下区委领导人刘季柯夫和舒尔加布置了任务。   城郊毕尔沃马伊卡矿村的邬丽娅等共青团员接到了撤退命令。城里的共青团…
  • After the Truth (German: Nichts als die Wahrheit) is a 1999 German film depicting the fictional trial of Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the "death angel of Auschwitz". The film, starring Götz George as Mengele and Kai Wiesinger as his lawyer, is based on the original English-language screenplay by American write…
  • 修伯特是個十幾歲的男孩,他的父親因為滯留在西方不肯回國而被視為叛國賊,母親為了他著想,忍痛將他送到華沙跟姑姑同住。在波蘭共黨高壓統治的時代,這個高貴、難解卻又叛逆的姑姑經營了一家馬術俱樂部,她不但不准男孩叫他姑姑,還為他編造了一段符合政治正確的身世,讓他順利插班就讀。過去在母親嚴格要求正直誠實的教養下成長的修伯特,從姑…
  • East Berlin 1988 : Marco Kaiser does not work as it should. The 18 year old rebelling against parents and the system. That he , the son of the privileges profits Jürgen Kaiser as a high-ranking Stasi officer in East Germany enjoys holds not challenge them from the Party line father always him. When he and his new girlf…
  • 电影动作
    将司(阿部宽 饰)是一个来自日本的黑社会头目,在一次与泰国黑帮的交易冲突中,对方容貌妖艳、身手矫捷的女子成员阿欣(Ammara Siripong 饰)引起了他的注意。在此之后,两人开始交往,然而日本和泰国的帮派冲突却逐渐升级。最终,阿欣为了救心上人而背叛了自己的老大。将司迫于无奈逃回日本,阿欣则留在泰国,独自生下女儿阿珊。阿珊从小患有…