搜索 Karr

  • 1989年,在柏林墙开放之前,Jenny离家出走,准备去东柏林找自己的男友。其父母发现后,决定拿出一百万马克的赏金来奖给将Jenny带回来的人。于是各路人马就这样人为财死的纷纷出动。最后在柏林墙开放的前夜,Jenny,其父母和来自各国的赏金猎人们在东柏林开始了东德最热烈的汽车拉力赛。
  • Universally recognized as one of the greatest Egyptian films ever made, The Night of Counting the Years is based on a true story: in 1881, when precious artifacts began showing up at market, it was discovered that members of the ancient Horbat tribe were secretly raiding Deir al-Bahari, the site of a legendary cache of…
  • 故事发生在洛杉矶。许多人相信这个位于西海岸的地方是这个星球上最浪漫、最特别的地方之一。在这个天堂里,不可能有一个失败的约会。但也有独特的个性可以打破陈规。我们的英雄们——一个男人和一个女孩——被证明是那些设法破坏了天使城浪漫约会的怪人!第一次见面结束时,女孩把礼物扔 到垃圾桶里,年轻人给她喝了一杯可怕的咖啡。然而,这并…
  • 电影动作
    1919. After fighting in WWI as a sniper Travis, now a Policeman in the vast empty spaces of northern Australia, loses control of an operation that results in the massacre of an Indigenous tribe. After his superiors insist on burying the truth Travis leaves in disgust, only to be forced back twelve years later to hunt d…
  • 这部来自Paharganj街头的电影描述了一个女人寻找她失去的爱情,一个男人试图找回他失去的谜团,以及处理他弟弟的过早死亡、一场意外的政治谋杀和激烈的帮派战争的故事。
  • Years after an unsolved murder at Sunnydale High, the most popular students in class are summoned back to the school for a surprise reunion, only to find themselves at the mercy of a relentless killer who holds all the answers.
  • A tough teenage girl Ricky lives through a summer of inaction, theft and illicit substances in the bleak environment of the port of Piraeus. On her motorcycle Ricky is fearless and invincible but by the end of the summer her innocence is lost and a new path, dark and hopeful, stands waiting like the ships beyond her wi…
  • 电影恐怖
  • Follows Reagan, a track star, who is kidnapped by a pair of sociopaths after her car breaks down on a deserted road.
  • 电影恐怖
    一个阳光明媚的夏日午后,人们悠闲自在的在海边嬉戏,一名男青年提议下水比赛,然而大家并不知道,隐藏在水下的恐怖生物正在蠢蠢欲动,三名青年争相下水,就在大家玩闹之时,三头鲨张开了血盆大口,瞬间海水被鲜血染红,惊慌失措的游人只得尽快逃离海岸。   Maggie(卡鲁切·特兰 饰)是刚来这个小镇的研究员,刚刚毕业的她心怀一腔热情,她所…