Troubled couples have intercourse in a soundproof, camera free, box. They then emerge back to the stage in silky robes to begin talking about their problems with a therapist.
This three-part, self-contained limited series is about the newest member of the Midnight Society, her first scary tale, and what happens to the group when the terrifying events of her story start to actually happen in their small town.
剧本由同名小说改编,男主角饰演的名字叫林兰哲, Best Chanidapa小布在该剧本扮演的角色是一位叫白灵的中国女孩.该剧将会到香港和澳门取景.男主是香港黑帮,女主的父亲欠了男主很多钱,这个父亲有两个女儿,大女儿漂亮,小女儿不好看,为了还债,女主的父亲答应把大女儿嫁给男主,但是后来,女主父亲变卦了,带着大女儿离开了,留下了小女儿也就…