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  • 电影
    笨贼John, Ben, Tim加上倒霉催的好友Michael抢劫了黑道老大Golden Pole 一笔钱,然后准备跑路。未料突遇冰岛火山喷发,飞机迫降立陶宛。原本以为可以在立陶宛逍遥一把。谁曾想Golden Pole已经尾随而来,而比Golden Pole更大的危险还在等着他们……
  • I Want To Cheer You Up Ltd. is a one-man operation in Japan. He offers stand-in family members for business or social engagements to those who have secrets, while hiding his own from his family.
  • 黑暗生物的阴影渐渐从黑暗世界扩散延伸到了现实世界。它们又饿又冷,靠吞食人类的快乐、爱和生命为生。邪恶势力日渐壮大,同时,连接两个世界的传送门也接近崩溃。而起源者小队每天都在尽力维持着它脆弱的平衡,但即使是他们,也无法抵抗即将来临的大毁灭。只有真爱之力才能重塑平衡,拯救世界。
  • Injured, tired and confused and taking refuge in an abandoned trench, two deserters must decide the best course of action to stay alive after the results of a secret weapon used by the enemy begin to spread past the battlefield. When a Green Beret stumbles upon their trench on his way to a place called the 'Safe Zone',…
  • 一群被驱逐无家可归的贱民在印度西高止山脉附近为了逃避种族迫害而遁入空门信奉了佛教,电影展现了探寻安贝卡主义为基础的新认同政治以及地区持续斗争的环境。
  • Rishi(裡希)因為叔叔在警察局里当小职员,为了抓住海德拉巴任务的头目Kittu Bhai,他被派往Kittu Bhai女儿娃莎丽所就读的学校卧底做老师,而在此之前,他与班上的学生Vinamra(维德玛娜)早已互相爱慕。在两个女人之间,Rishi是是怎样在完成任务的同时守住爱情的呢?
  • Deutschland sucht den Superstar is a German reality talent show, also commonly known by its initials DSDS. Part of the Idol franchise, it was created by English media mogul Simon Fuller as a spin-off from the British show Pop Idol, of which two series were broadcast between the years of 2001 and 2003. Debuting to medio…
  • 根据真实事件改编,《沙漠舞者》讲述的是那些勇敢的年轻人冒着生命危险去争取权利反抗政府,为自己的梦想勇敢奋斗的故事。艾信的梦想是成为出色的舞蹈员。然而,在伊朗,跳舞是被禁止的行为。不过,艾信没有放弃,更与一群志同道合的朋友组成地下舞团。他们设法突破网络审查,观看迈克尔·杰克逊等的表演片段自学跳舞。地下舞团更以打游击的形式…