- 随着武魂融合技的锋芒消散,切磋赛最终以唐舞麟所带领的一年级组获胜而告一段落。片刻宁静后,一年级生们的期末考试也如期而至。学院提出的种种难题令众人捉襟见肘,唐舞麟等人也不例外。他们使出了各自的看家本领,为通过考试,跌跌撞撞的踏上了明都之行……
- 芭比(凯莉·谢里丹 Kelly Sheridan 配音)、思佩(Kazumi Evans 配音)、思倩(Claire Corlett 配音)和凯丽是情同手足的四姐妹,虽然她们有着迥异的性格,但是彼此之间的感情十分要好。芭比和妹妹们一起回到故乡探望奶奶,没想到竟然在阁楼上发现了一张布满了灰尘了藏宝图,根据藏宝图显示,一份失落已久且价值连城的宝藏就隐藏在她们所在的小…
- On a journey to witness the final performance of a mythical musician thought long dead, a group of misfits navigate the barren terrain of a dystopian future, while constantly connected to the nihilistic DJ of radio station FNTN / Fonotune. Influenced by Japanese cinema, graphic design and Manga Comics, Fonotune: An Ele…