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  • 日出不再
    A film that progresses like Arvo Pärt’s music spreads on a cinema screen. Dule is a happy boy who spends his childhood together with his hero father and mother, too small to understand that his home will soon be taken by the mine next to …
  • Spikker
    “The Cheat” is a comedy thriller movie about Anna, who comes up with a masterful plan to get an A in a test, including her best friends in the plan.
  • Tants, mis kestab
    This heartfelt documentary delves into the lively bond between Milvi, an unconventional grandmother, and her granddaughter Emili, a dedicated theatre student. Each Sunday, they gather for meals, watch sports while using the cozy apartment as their secret stage to sing and dance, knowing it’s just the two of them. Milvi…
  • No Dogs Allowed
    Without a doubt not your ordinary coming-of-age film that will leave no one indifferent. Fifteen-year-old Gabo seems like a regular teenager who goes to school, plays video games with his best friend and does other things a normal teenager would do – except he’s not. He has tendencies he knows to be wrong, but cannot …
  • 电影
    Fiction, documentary, filmed performance? Actor Ben Becker plays Albert Oehlen, an artist creating a painting. The film crosses formal boundaries and questions the meaning of the creative process and the struggle for authenticity at different levels. As the painter himself says, ‘Art must show its internal process of …
  • 拳战擂台:杰克·保罗对战迈克·泰森
  • 电影
  • 电影动作
    金刚回到了自己曾经生活的地方,然而一切早已物是人非。这时,一起拐卖儿童的事件意外发生,金刚以一个局外人的身份开始寻找被拐的女孩,在这个过程中他的过往也依旧在纠缠着他…… 金刚将不得不面对自己最不愿意正视的伤痛……
  • Mille Sina võtaksid?
    Home. Your home. Your place. Your memories. Your belongings. In the blink of eye, it’s gone. Stories of twelve people from Ukraine who suddenly had to leave their home, taking only the bare essentials and a cherished belonging that speaks …
  • 拳战擂台:杰克·保罗对战迈克·泰森
    Netflix与Most Valuable Promotions(MVP) 联袂献上一场重量级拳击盛宴,由人称“问题小子”的杰克·“雄鸡”·保罗(9胜1负,6次击倒)迎战被誉为“地球上最凶悍之人”的迈克·泰森(50胜6负,44次击倒)。这场万众瞩目的杰克·保罗与迈克·泰森之战将于2024年11月15日周五通过Netflix平台面向全球独家直播,比赛地点设在美国得克萨斯州阿灵顿…