- In July, 19-year-old pianist Benjamin Grosvenor made his debut at the Proms to great acclaim, wowing both audiences and critics with his performance of Liszt's Piano Concerto No 2 in A Major. The youngest ever soloist to perform in the First Night of the Proms, he returns to the Royal Albert Hall on August 6 to take on…
- 因为地址被天使所侦知,恶魔侦探芥边(浪川大辅 配音)决定将事务所搬往其他地方。与此同时,贝西卜家族的优一(神谷浩史 饰)在人间遭受巨大挫折的消息传遍魔界,其本人更是且羞且闹。正在此时,高傲自大的路西法找上门来,一通不着边际的羞辱话语令优一彻底爆发。两只恶魔现出原形,展开了一场撼动魔界的大对决。就在关键时刻,他们俩被佐隈玲…