影片讲述了一群血族受到病毒感染而变成食人丧尸,而身为血族突击队的鲁克·高斯则要带领手下们拯救吸血鬼以及人类的命运。--------------------------由马修·R.安德森与爱德华·康纳共同执导的吸血鬼丧尸大作“The Dead Undead”的第二期拍摄工作已经收尾,影片预计将在今年上映。-此片由鲁克·高斯(代表作地狱男爵2)领衔主演,场面火爆且逼…
A Lappish girl, the only daughter of a reindeer herder, rescues a crashed German fighter pilot during WW2. The two develop warm feelings for each other during his convalescence.
Superbia — The Pride is the first of the Seven Deadly Sins.The introduction is made thorugh early allegorical forms and figures (triumphal procession, dance of death, Baroque tragedy etc.) The triumphal procession of the giant haystack as …