搜索 Kete

  • Idole-RomySchneider
  • A young, impoverished German woman named Hanna (Maria von Tasnady) gives her infant up for adoption and emigrates to American to live with her husband. When her husband commits suicide, Hanna returns to Germany and works her way into becoming the live-in maid and nurse to her child being raised by an orchestra conducto…
  • 电影美食
  • 电影
    The suite of the New Adventures of Aladin.
  • 少年为何日夜徘徊港口,又为何沉迷绘画满脸愁苦,这一切的背后究竟是人性的扭曲还是道德的沦丧,让我们跟随一段电话留言走进他的内心世界。(美受倒贴渣攻被无情拒绝)
  • The story of three women - a famous prostitute, her housekeeper and their new maid - living in Budapest of 1910s, whose passionate, bizarre and complex relationship can only lead to one thing: murder.
  • 电影剧情
  • Leslie Konda, jeune footballeur français talentueux, repéré à son adolescence par Didier, un agent de faible envergure qui a su le prendre sous sa coupe, vient de signer son premier contrat d’attaquant dans un grand club espagnol. Dans le…
  • 电视剧热血
    这部韩剧,由美女金素妍,伙拍柳镇、孙志昌和柳正镇,讲的是三个好朋友从小到大的故事。三个小朋友都来自破裂的家庭,因此结成知交,孙志昌秉承了父亲从政的坚定意志,柳镇凭着单亲妈妈和董事长生父的护航,从小在学业和事业上一帆风顺,柳正镇则在孤儿院长大,后来成了黑社会的混混.... 剧情主要是讲金素妍与其中两名主角错综复杂的关系,以及…