搜索 Kil

  • 电影动作
    杰森·斯坦森有望出演STX动作惊悚片[杀手游戏](The Killer’s Game,暂译),导演D·J·卡卢索([极限特工3:终极回归])。影片改编自杰·博纳辛加1997年出版的小说。故事主角是一个被误诊患绝症且遭前同事追杀的杀手。派拉蒙等多家公司早在多年前便有意拍摄此片,男主曾一度选定迈克尔·基顿等。
  • After the death of her grandmother, Emma finds a videotape that scared her long ago as a child. When she watches the tape again, its disturbing content begins to haunt her and control her life.
  • During World War II, in Nazi-occupied Norway, a state police officer sets out on a quest to find the Necronomicon, the Book of the Dead.
  • 由易安音乐社携手熊猫TV的自制综艺《狼人Triple Kill》4月21日起每周五晚20:00在熊猫TV平台首播。作为易安音乐社首部自制综艺,《狼人Triple Kill》在狼人杀已有赛制之外引入了竞猜机制,最终竞猜成功的网友可以获得奖金,这种与观众即时互动的大胆尝试,大大地加强了节目的互动性。此外,《狼人Triple Kill》的常驻嘉宾除了易安音乐社的成…
  • When Preston (22) dies in a car crash, his mother Sandra (40), goes through his social media accounts hoping to salvage any photos of him and let his friends know of his death. She discovers communication between Preston and his vindictive girlfriend Krystal (24) in which she tried to get Preston to kill her ex. When K…
  • A foul-mouthed, unemployed air guitar enthusiast moonlights as a UFOlogist. He stumbles across the most important case of alien visitation since Roswell - unfortunately.
  • 正值壯年的兒子驟逝,這對離異多年、各自再婚的六旬怨偶再度重逢。此後數月,相互安慰的兩人舊情復燃,他們瞞著家人,享受這段純純的情事。然而,事情遠比想像中複雜,過去的種種不堪也不是能輕易遺忘的。等兩人回過神來,彼此和家人都已被捲入這場愛戀的風暴之中。
  • 电影