- A modern adaptation of Dante's " Inferno," The Lower Circle is based on the Infernal Circles of Lust, Gluttony, and Violence, personified by a lecherous 19th century priest, a polluting Texan Industrialist, and a sadistic Secretary of Defense. It is a guided tour through Hell based on the modern world.
- Big Brother 15, also known as Big Brother 2014 and Big Brother: Power Trip, is the current fifteenth series of the British reality television series Big Brother. It began on 5 June 2014 on Channel 5 and will end 15 August 2014, therefore the longest series so far on Channel 5. It is the fourth regular series and the te…
- 影片改编自特拉维斯·亚历山大被害案。2008年6月4日,推销员特拉维斯·亚历山大(Travis Alexander)被人谋杀在亚利桑那州梅萨市他的住所,身中多处刀伤并被割喉及枪击头部。亚历山大的前女友乔迪·阿里亚斯(Jodi Arias)被控谋杀被逮捕。审讯时,她作证辩称是出于自卫而杀死亚历山大。2013年5月8日,她被裁定为一级谋杀。目前正面临被证实有罪…
- When a group of teens sets out to record a documentary film about mass murders at a local amusement park, they soon learn that certain things should be left ...