- Trapped in a nightmare marriage, a woman contends with the deadly control of her husband in this edgy, psychological thriller - first falling in love with the man her husband assigns to watch her, then running from the assassin's bullets he hires to kill them both. Romance, intrigue and revenge drive this fast-paced dr…
- Katherine Oldham sees a homeless man in the park, feeding the pigeons. He looks perfect. Her brother, Fitzhugh, his mind either on a bird or his butterfly collection, absent-mindedly agrees. She brings the old man inside and feeds him some stew. The man dimly suspects something is wrong when the eccentric brother blurt…
- Nikolas, a boy sexually abused by his father, and Eva, a girl physically abused by her mother, make a pact to kill each other's nemesis after getting the idea from a school play [Faustus]. Nikolas must realize the seriousness of that pact soon enough...
- 炎炎夏季,金田一(山田凉介 饰)和七濑美雪(川口春奈 饰)、佐木龙二(有冈大贵 饰)两名好友前往著名的狱门补习学校参加集中培训。当他们正聊天玩笑时,突然警铃声大作。校舍走廊内,名为茂吕井的学生手按在警铃上,惨遭毒害。经金田一缜密推理,确定这是一起有针对性和计划性的杀人事件。未过多久,他们重逢香港警员李白龙,并得知策划了九…
- 1960年代…ロック黄金の時代と呼ばれるあの時代…僕たちはまだ産まれていなかったけれど、そのかすかな残り香は知っています。今より情報やものはなかったけれど、海を越えてやって来た一曲が僕たちの心を豊かにしてくれました。そんな素敵な魔法や情熱、愛と平和…日常の中で忘れてしまった何かをロックスピリットに乗せてBe Rockin'は叫びま…