搜索 Kinney

  • 詹娜一直梦想能找个完美男人结婚,然而每当她爱上一个男孩,对方都会因为一些事故而不幸身亡。直到她遇到亚历克斯,两人进展顺利,并确定了婚期。可还没有等到步入教堂的那一天,亚历克斯就惨死在告别单身的聚会中。詹娜意识到,以往那些不堪回首的记忆又来折磨自己了,这一切到底是天意,还是有人在背后搞鬼呢?
  • 一個失意的新郎,在朋友的慫恿下,出席了一個在萬聖節舉行的獨木舟團。一个失意的新郎,在朋友的怂恿下,出席了一个在万圣节举行的独木舟团。 途中遇上了四個在河岸邊點燃火堆的性感美女,以為得到上天恩賜。途中遇上了四个在河岸边点燃火堆的性感美女,以为得到上天恩赐。 但後來發現這幾個女人的致命計劃後,他們由興奮變成了恐懼。但后来发现…
  • imdb  Plot summary  Born in a small town in the countryside surrounding Pistoia, Adriana is an attractive young girl who counts on using her looks to go places in the entertainment business in Rome. Moving to the capital, she works first …
  • Ron Atkins gives us the first of two movies featuring Las Vegas psycho, Harry Russo (John Giancaspro), driven to commit a series of atrocities by hidden voices from Rubberneck, a ventriloquist doll given to him by his girlfriend Drew (Jasmin Putnam).The film balances outrageous humour and gross-out scenes of violence a…
  • In this late-night traveling show, "Tour guide" Dave Attell visits late night spots (including bars, strip clubs, and clubs) and talks to whoever he finds. There's no home base for the show, as Dave is shown in different locations throughout North America each week. The average "guest" to the show c…
  • 地球最初由水全部覆盖,经过逐渐演变,陆地出现,生命从大海深处爬上陆地,开始新的征程。不过经过漫长的进化,原始人类的足迹慢慢回归海洋。未涉足的海域无边无垠,好奇的人类如古菲(品托·考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)无时无刻不在向往那些未知的领域。他们四处探险,设想着世界的形状,一度担心越过世界的边缘跌落无底深渊。当然,在探险的过…
  • 古老的纽约市附近,坐落着风景秀丽、平静安宁的小村落泰瑞镇。布洛姆•拜恩是镇上一个英俊健壮,豪放莽撞的青年,他拥有很多的朋友,来去有如旋风一般。这一天,骨瘦如柴但举止优雅的老学究伊沙堡•科恩来到小镇,他为孩子们传授知识,教镇上的女子唱歌,他的优雅让许多女孩陶醉,同时也遭到布洛姆等镇上青年的嘲笑。对于这一切,伊沙堡都不以为…
  • In the fictional town of New Burbage, legendary theatrical madman Geoffrey Tennant returns to the New Burbage Theatre Festival, the site of his greatest triumph and most humiliating failure, to assume the artistic directorship after the sudden death of his mentor, Oliver Welles. When Geoffrey arrives he finds that Oliv…
  • 这是一部风格独特、具强烈冲击性的纪录片,叙述了议员 Cynthia Mckinney 的传奇经历以及历史上和最近佛罗里达州和俄亥俄州总统大选中压制黑人选举的情况。
  • 邦果:本片根据Sinclair Lewis的原著改编。讲述了一只生活在马戏团名叫邦果的明星小熊,他会走钢丝、帽子戏法、骑独轮、打拳击,深受大人和小朋友的喜爱。但是它只能生活在笼子里,跟随马戏团周游全国各地,上演同样的戏码。有一天,邦果决定逃走,回到久违的大自然,在那里, 有新的考验和冒险在等着它;米奇和魔豆:在一个名叫欢乐谷的美丽所…