搜索 Kirk

  • 电影恐怖
  • Join horror host Malvolia the Queen of Screams as she celebrates this years Halloween Monster Marathon with 5 new tales of terror and the macabre. This Halloween horror anthology from independent horrors best and bloodiest directors is a grab bag of treats you are sure to enjoy.
  • 波特是一个曾经吸毒上瘾的警察,他的女朋友瑞秋想要与其一起离开洛杉矶开始新的生活,为此急需一大笔钱。后来瑞秋找到了一个网络A片制作人,打算靠出演A片赚些外快。没想到事到临头,对方竟然将其下药并绑架走了。波特开始了疯狂的搜寻,势必要找到瑞秋为止……
  • 电影喜剧
  • Director'sCommentaryTerrorofFrankenstein
  • The thoughts that people think are never the same as the words they speak - and in this movie, we can hear the thoughts. Gordon Shaw was a flyer who was shot down and killed during WWI. Nina would have married him before he left, but her father forbade the marriage. Charlie is a friend, but Nina does not love him and h…
  • 莎莉·霍金斯、基里安·墨菲、渡边谦、拉菲·卡西迪将担任动画影片[岛王](Kensuke's Kingdom,暂译)配音。影片故事根据迈克尔·莫波格同名小说改编,讲述麦克坐船环游世界途中,他和小狗史特拉被风浪扫落大海。靠着一个足球,他们漂浮到一座荒岛。荒岛上住着一个二次世界大战因船难流亡的日本老兵健介。[淘气大侦探]动画师尼尔·鲍伊、柯尔克·…
  • After some personal trauma, Wilson Walmsley is invited to work as a substitute teacher in a suburban public high school. He finds lack of authority and interest in the school direction and teacher body; uncontrolled and abusive students in an environment of disrespect and lack of discipline. He becomes close to the art…
  • 每当夏季将要结束的时候,新泽西某个基督教社区的孩子们都要参加一项集体活动。他们会被带领着远离尘嚣进入森林中,在那里由牧师进行基督教义的教导。然而没有想到的是,在此过程中一行人遭遇了恐怖袭击……
  • from: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/choice2008/etc/synopsis.htmlIt has been called one of the most historic presidential elections in our nation's history -- Barack Obama versus John McCain. It is a race that pits the iconoclast against the newcomer, the heroic prisoner of war against the first African Americ…