搜索 Klass

  • A man convinced that Lucifer was within him brutally murdered his wife and child in satanic sacrifice. Now, years later, Eric, Hayley and their daughter Penny, move into the same house after being left unsold on the market. They think they got a good deal - but what they don't know is that the House on Elm Lake has for…
  • 苏菲亚(Diana Kaarina 配音)是一位出生高贵的公主,不幸的是,很小的时候,她的母亲就遭到邪恶的德温女爵士陷害,去世了,而苏菲亚也就此下落不明。为了扶持自己的女儿德兰西公主登上王位,德温女爵士不惜向世人谎称苏菲亚已死,以完成自己的野望。流落民间的苏菲亚十分幸运地得到了一位善良母亲的照料和抚养,长大后,她成为了一名饭店服务员…
  • LETHAL follows the story of Mikey, a young man seeking to fit in, having recently moved to the notorious Highfield Estate. Highfield has become a hot bed of criminal activity, a no go area for the police. With incidents of gang related knife crime at an all-time high the government and local council have been left with…
  • 电影动画
    公主格雷西莉亚(Alexandra Carter 配音)被仙子克里斯托(Brittney Wilson 配音)施展了爱情魔咒,不可救药的迷恋上了芭比(Diana Kaarina 配音)的男友肯(艾德里安·佩特里 Adrian Petriw 配音),为了得到肯,为了拆散他和芭比,格雷西莉亚不惜绑架了他。得知了男友被绑架的消息,一直以来水火不容的芭比和拉奇丽(布里特妮·厄文 Brit…
  • 位於路易斯安那州的察爾斯湖是享受陽光與休閒時光的世外桃源。一群20出頭的青少年週末相約於島上的查爾斯湖畔小屋開趴享樂,其中一人卻下落不明。越來越多人消失於湖中,種種跡象顯示為巨鱷所為,此起彼落的尖叫聲使人不寒而慄。驚慌失措的他們意識到賴以逃生的船隻飄離岸邊,求助無門只好眼睜睜的看著朋友一個又一個不幸於湖中罹難。他們之中能…
  • Ein Mann Seiner Klasse
    Ten-year-old Christian is allowed to skip school in order to go to an amusement park with his father. Appearances to the contrary, their lives are clouded by domestic violence and money problems. Since the death of their mother, his aunt has cared for the children and done everything to ensure that Christian can attend…
  • 动漫