搜索 Kley

  • 电影
    Dan Hawk, an ex-detective turned writer, is re-instated onto the force after returning to his home town. A serial killer has 'donned the guise' of Hawks most famous book creation, and has begun to kill people off one by one.
  • 电影奇幻
  • Van Morrison and guests captured live in concert at the Beacon Theatre in New York City on 30th November 1989.
  • A foul-mouthed, unemployed air guitar enthusiast moonlights as a UFOlogist. He stumbles across the most important case of alien visitation since Roswell - unfortunately.
  • 强盗头子“尖刀”麦基与波莉姑娘一见钟情、私定终身,气坏了波莉的爸爸、全城乞丐的保护商皮彻姆。皮彻姆向警方检举麦基诱拐妇女,并命令乞丐们大闹女王加冕典礼现场,以此胁迫跟麦基颇有交情的警察局长尽早处死麦基。麦基、波莉和强盗兄弟们各有算盘,但都不愿善罢甘休,由此掀起轩然大波……作为戏剧与音乐完美结合的艺术典范,德国戏剧家贝尔…
  • A young lad is brainwashed into thinking his only way out of his life on a London Estate is to become a football hooligan and fight his way out. When his best friend tries to steer him in the right path, there is a tragic turn of events.
  • A revolutionary story of guitars, motorcycles, cell phones, and the music of a new generation.
  • 'Too Hip For the Room' is a feature length documentary exploring the eccentric life and art of the little known jazz humorist Lord Buckley. Archival materials, intriguing presentations of Buckley's most mind bending audio performances, and insightful interviews with Whoopi Goldberg, Robin Williams, Jonathan Winters, St…
  • Bringing exploitation back into the movies with this racy saga of the Clitorians - a group of lusty aliens who inhabit a Lost World inside a volcano. While they await the arrival of their Dark Lord, the Jungle Vampires stay eternally young by feasting on the flesh, blood and bones of unsuspecting tourists. Their latest…