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  • No Dogs Allowed
    Without a doubt not your ordinary coming-of-age film that will leave no one indifferent. Fifteen-year-old Gabo seems like a regular teenager who goes to school, plays video games with his best friend and does other things a normal teenager would do – except he’s not. He has tendencies he knows to be wrong, but cannot …
  • 电影
    Fiction, documentary, filmed performance? Actor Ben Becker plays Albert Oehlen, an artist creating a painting. The film crosses formal boundaries and questions the meaning of the creative process and the struggle for authenticity at different levels. As the painter himself says, ‘Art must show its internal process of …
  • 电视剧
    Adapted from the novel Apple by Chao Planoy
  • Bilder im Kopf
    A father and daughter meet in a white room. A single window to the outside world, with a view of the sea, provides some fresh air. An anecdote about a personal encounter with the queen sets the tone; a mental health condition with a stigma attached fills the room. Eleonora Camizzi asks her father with schizophrenia th…
  • Kökleri Dışarıda
    A disconnected filmmaker starts believing that the cause of his deep restlessness is the call of his homeland, where he is a stranger by birth. He sets off on a journey back to his roots, seeking to reconcile his present reality with the depths of his ancestral past. Guided by an inner longing, he traverses rugged land…
  • 电影生活
    市场里的一起凶杀案划破了宁静,接二连三的刑事案件背后有着不为人知的关联。警官张振泽(张震 饰)与搭挡小蔡找寻线索时与一名陌生男子莫子凡(莫子仪 饰)相遇。历史的旧账,像是岁月的余烬表面静好的岁月,背后有多少遗忘与秘密?
  • 电影恐怖
  • 下一个圣诞节见
  • 电影恐怖
    一個來自泰國北部大學的恐怖故事──無頭者的遊行、和關於一段註定破滅的愛情的傳說──復仇的時刻來臨了。  大學生小葛非常焦慮,因為她和自己暗戀的好友阿德必須競爭同一筆獎學金。阿德為了安撫她的情緒,請求小葛陪他一起到公主娘娘的神龕祈福,這位娘娘以賜福給情侶而著稱,但有一個條件:如果有人假裝成情侶向她祈福,她將會賜予死亡懲罰…
  • 电影