- An eleven-year-old Turkish boy, two young men from a small town, and a cuckolded policeman from the sticks all find their way to Berlin on May Day, where, in the district of Kreuzberg, emotions come to the boil every year. Little Yavuz is eager to gain recognition and is determined to 'floor a cop' in order to impress …
- 为了得到传说中的德川家族的价值两千亿美元的宝藏,鲁邦准备从钱形警部手中偷取取得宝藏的指引玻璃夹板(其实就是一个有相片的像框…)。但这一回却两次行动都以失败告终,玻璃夹板还是被老爹(钱形警部)顺利地送到收购者麦克铃木处。为了采访为前来负责为庆祝新建的东京水上乐园开幕式的各国政要做安全工作的钱形老爹,女记者一色玛丽亚(CV:…
- The carpet needs to get cleaned. But there is this big blue stain on it. Getting rid of it needs a lot of fantasy?Pat & Mat(4)
- The movie is set in Oslo in 1960. When the new TV channel NRK opens they have a talent competition where the winner gets 50,000 kroner. And Olsenbanden Junior just has to get in on this, and they come up with the band "The Dynamites", but they face stiff competition from Biffen's band "The Biffers" …