- I saw this obscure German film in Toronto in 1956, my first exposure to Oskar Werner. A "sleeper" of a movie for me, but so long ago and it seems never to be seen again. The topic has been treated many times but never, I think, to such effect. The last days in the bunker are entirely through the wondering sub…
- Two women in training to become deadly ninja assassins decide to use their skills to pickpocket a wealthy looking samurai. However, they soon find themselves caught up in a dangerous situation that requires a very special secret weapon to escape—specifically, their impressive physical attributes.
- A small community enters a state of collapse due to an environmental crisis and is adapting as best it can to the new reality. The privileged residents live a hedonistic life based on carpe diem, while the others struggle to survive with no alternative.
- 有一种女人,也许并非天生丽质,但却能因为创造美丽而风韵永存、百世流芳;有一种女人,不相信整容和表面眉眼的漂亮,却因人格独立、自信一生,而精彩九旬;有一种女人,不沉迷于名牌与昂贵,却能因慧眼独具而点石成金,让自己的名字成为最响亮的品牌;有一种女人,一生无后,但有爱侣终生相伴,互相欣赏生命紧扣;有一个女人,从白宫到富商巨贾…
- Karin, an American housewife living in Japan, desperately wants to fit in with her Japanese community, but when she is forced by her peers to participate in playing the Japanese Ouija, she unleashes an ancient evil power and is forced to fight the other housewives in a sadistic game of death. "OUIJA JAPAN" is…