- Without a doubt not your ordinary coming-of-age film that will leave no one indifferent. Fifteen-year-old Gabo seems like a regular teenager who goes to school, plays video games with his best friend and does other things a normal teenager would do – except he’s not. He has tendencies he knows to be wrong, but cannot …
- ERES is a poetic and tangible documentary film that follows four children as they experience the natural cycle of life on a farm. Each child lives on a remote farm in the southwest of The Netherlands and is learning the profession of their ancestors from a young age. They dream that one day they will take over the farm…
- 新宿西署管辖的公园内发现一具男性尸体,牛尾正直刑警(片冈鹤太郎)展开调查。宗形鮎子(真飞圣)前来警局认尸,所幸尸体并不是失踪数日的丈夫圭介(近藤公园)。牛尾经过抽丝剥茧地调查发现这宗杀人案竟与三年前茅野市大澄池的少女奸杀案有关,申请重回茅野调查却意外遇见了鲇子和律师冈本弘志(河相我闻)······
- In 1946, diver Hwang Jun is asked to retrieve a shipment of gold that was sunk with a transport ship. Agents from Japan try to steal the gold but fail in their first attempt. Years later, the same agents take Hwang Jun's family hostage in an effort to recruit his aid
- In 2010, four of the greatest undefeated mountain runners on earth toed the starting line at the Western States 100-mile endurance run, the oldest and most prestigious 100-mile foot race in the world. While their lives may be quite different, the goal is the same: win the Western States 100-mile run. A win will require…