- After landing a Rs.80 Crore deal with businessman Kapadia, Joseph Rodriquez, decides to sell his Kasargaon mansion and enlists the services of real estate agent, Devyani Mitra. While traveling there, he comes to her assistance, and drives her to his mansion. Once there, after settling down for the night, she claims tha…
- Harvie is a smart but a bit too lively boy with one ambition, to finish the last level of his computer game. Once in the Gamers Hall of Fame, his absent-minded father, would finally be proud of him. But finishing the game turns out to be only the start of a real adventure that takes Harvie, his dog Jerry, and his frien…
- Jeff is bullied at school and online. It all becomes too much, and then the tables are turned on the bullies.
- A “double bill” of two Russian operatic masterpieces. Legendary bass Evgeny Nesterenko stars in the title role of Aleko (1892), an early work of Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), written the composer was still a student at the Moscow Conser…
- When college-bound Emily Landis moves from the city to her Grandpa's country home, she is expected to take care of Lucky, her late Grandma's horse, and makes it her mission to show the light of Christ to her grieving Grandpa. Struggling, Emily is befriended by a local named Jake. When the two discover Emily's Grandma d…