搜索 Krishnam

  • 我们的主人公名字叫“好运”,但在现实生活中他可是个十足的倒霉蛋。但凡和“好运”打交道的人,肯定都会倒霉。终于有一天,这个名字颇具讽刺意味的倒霉蛋“好运”迎来了他的大运气。他的一个朋友安东尼递给他一个装有两亿五千万卢比现金的口袋(约两千五百万人民币)。原来JK长期筹划,终于策划出了完美犯罪,抢到了银行的两亿五千万新版现金。…
  • The story moves through the lives of two fragile yet determined people and maps a private geography of love, loss and ultimate redemption. Josh leaves his advertising career at its peak, everyone wants either to be him or to have him. Then he walks away from it all, the money, recognition and the life. A car accident w…
  • 电影家庭
    苏尼(沙鲁克·汗 Shah Rukh Khan 饰)出生在一个典型的中产阶级家庭之中,他的父亲威亚克(Anjaan Srivastav 饰)在儿子的身上给予了很大的期望,然而,苏尼的志向却并不在读书挣钱,从小就喜欢音乐的他渴望成为一名歌手,并且真的加入了一支乐队之中,开始了他的逐梦之旅。苏尼喜欢一个名叫安娜(苏奇拉·克里希那穆提 Suchitra K…
  • 剧情简介圣诞节的到来无疑成为了这些激动青春们的又一次酣畅淋漓的机会。每张面孔中都流露出无比的轻松和愉快,当然还有对即将来临的新一年的憧憬,但这话语间的雄心壮志着实让人惊诧,似乎根本不应出自孩子之口。“我打算抢劫银行”,“放火烧了学校”,“主刀做一次手术”,“揍警察一拳”,“吸毒”,“做爱”……可本该欢乐的北欧滑雪之旅却…
  • 一个骗子来体验他濒临死亡的阴暗过去。
  • Yevade Subramanyam has wrapped its shooting and the movie is reported to be the only Indian film to be shot at some of the highest points of Everest. Directed by Sekar Kammula's protege Nag Ashwin, Yevade Subramanyam is the journey of a guy who sets out to find his true self.
  • Raju a 13 year old child passionate about films who always wanted to be a filmmaker become blind in an accident. Drunkard and irresponsible father puts Raju in a blind orphanage,claiming him to be an orphan. Blind orphanage is run by a wicked man Narayana who is living on the money meant for blind children. At this jun…
  • 一座迦尼萨神像在毗湿奴寺院的财产估价仪式上被盗,这引起了多个利益集团的纠纷。主人公苏利亚和拉维、巴努以偷窃为生,苏尼尔因被人追捕偷走了女主人公--身为记者的斯瓦缇的脚踏车,两人因此结识,谎称自己在惠普工作的苏利亚与斯瓦缇坠入爱河。黑帮头目杜尔迦派手下进行神像交易,可神像却被他的手下吉里私藏,知情的杜尔迦派人追捕吉里,吉里…