- Portrait of Jim Clark, one of the most talented and intriguing characters of the 1960s. From unlikely beginnings on a farm in Scotland, the introverted and media-shy Clark emerged to become the most successful racing driver of his time, and forged a reputation as one of the all-time great heroes of motor sport.Using pr…
- Born to Be Yai (ห้องหุ่น, Yak Yu Yang Yai) – Growing up in a poor family, Chai (Sorawit Suboon) is forced to leave school after completing his primary education so he can contribute to the family’s finances. But he holds onto hope that…
- Maharaja Purshotam Singh rules over his kingdom justly and fairly. He lives in his palace with his wife, Ahilya, an adult son, and a new-born son, Ajay. His biggest concern is the evil Maharudra, who has taken it upon himself to conquer the region and rule over it mercilessly. Purshotam's armies are no match for Maharu…