搜索 Ku

  • Un conte très tordu
    Every evening, Brindone, a teenager, goes to bed before the end of the TV programs. Every evening, instead of going to bed discreetly, his big brother Musclor turns on the light in their shared bedroom to annoy him. Every evening the same routine. Brindone can't take it anymore.
  • 电影
    When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He gradually succumbs to the poison of the decaying relationship, becoming a creature with increased aggression, a touch that melts skin and worst of all, he's contagious.
  • 电影恐怖
    一個來自泰國北部大學的恐怖故事──無頭者的遊行、和關於一段註定破滅的愛情的傳說──復仇的時刻來臨了。  大學生小葛非常焦慮,因為她和自己暗戀的好友阿德必須競爭同一筆獎學金。阿德為了安撫她的情緒,請求小葛陪他一起到公主娘娘的神龕祈福,這位娘娘以賜福給情侶而著稱,但有一個條件:如果有人假裝成情侶向她祈福,她將會賜予死亡懲罰…
  • 风都侦探剧场版:假面骑士颅骨的肖像
  • 电视剧
    特技演员邦尼 (Bunny) 招募了陷入困境的女演员霍尼 (Honey) 来做兼职多年后,他们危险的过去再次浮出水面,迫使这对疏远的夫妇重新团聚并保护他们的女儿。
  • 动漫少女
    “这怨恨,将带你落入地狱!”  在青少年中流传着这样一个传说,有一个名叫“地狱通信”的网站,它只能在凌晨零点整链接成功,如果你的心中怀有足够的恨意,就能召唤出地狱少女,她会惩罚带给你痛苦的那个人,但同时,你也将永远背负上死亡的烙印,当你的生命结束之时,你将被流放到仇人所在的地狱之中。阎魔爱(能登麻美子 配音)表面上只是…
  • 动漫少女
  • 电视剧喜剧
  • FUKUSHIMA with Béla Tarr
    This film documents the "FUKUSHIMA with Béla Tarr", a filmmaking workshop in Fukushima conducted by esteemed Hungarian filmmaker Tarr Béla.
  • Vaatamise kunst
    According to recent findings in astrophysics, the universe is structured as a four-dimensional web-like network. Yet similar structures are created by organisms many times smaller – known as slime mold. Can the parallel between the realms of biology and physics help us understand the mystery of our changing and intrica…