- The true story of Dr. Takashi Nagai, scientific pioneer, war hero, Christian convert and survivor of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, who worked tirelessly in his efforts to heal the wounds of a country utterly devastated by war.
- WGP中盤、ロイヤルフェスティバルカップの途中で突然謎のマシンガンブラスターXTOとその持ち主リオンが現れ、マシンを吹き飛ばしレースを滅茶苦茶にしてしまった。豪達ビクトリーズのメンバーはガンブラスターを追いかける。実はリオンはGPチップの開発が間に合わずWGPに参加が間に合わなかったレーサーであり、ガンブラスターはようやく完成し…
- 《废弃的螺旋》夜晚,少年带着初次约会的女孩爬上一幢废弃大楼的屋顶看夜景,谁知他们在螺旋楼梯那里遭遇了一个神秘之人;《病室的住人》遭受严重精神困扰的温柔少女七海住院治疗,但是她的床位每到夜晚就会剧烈震动;《通讯记录》人气偶像组合的美少女木下优树菜和两位男性好友驱车去野外探险,名叫小高的男孩被他们恶作剧仍在公路上,车中的人…
- A young teacher gets her first job experiences in a remote mountain village, which has no school building. Life of peasants, conflict between two alienated clans, conflict between the authorities and peasants because of the state forest cutting needed for building of new school and presence of young teacher who seeks t…
- Documentary portrait of the actress Romy Schneider, in which director Frederick Baker tries to form an overall picture from the facets of image, myth, real life and screen persona.
- You play as the three Crisis Response Team members Craig Contrell, Nick Bruno and Mia Cabrera. Lead by your CO Jack Walcott, Your objective is to complete 30 missions of action, strategy, stealth, rescuing, escorting and various types of essential goals to stopping the terrorists. Will you succeed?