搜索 Kumar

  • 电影剧情
  • 副处长鲁德拉调任到一个新的地方,这个地方,贪污腐败,犯罪横行,他决定用自己的手段,不管制度的限制清除本地的黑帮,在其过程中,不但清扫了恶棍,还抱得美人归......
  • 一群被驱逐无家可归的贱民在印度西高止山脉附近为了逃避种族迫害而遁入空门信奉了佛教,电影展现了探寻安贝卡主义为基础的新认同政治以及地区持续斗争的环境。
  • A lawyer holds the eyewitness evidence to catch a killer, but the identified criminal is the lawyer's own mentor, prospective father-in-law, and also the judge who presides over the case.
  • Halaku (Pran), the powerful emperor of Iran, rules the country wisely and with an iron hand. When he comes upon one of his subjects, Niloufer (Meena Kumari), he stakes his claim on her and wants her to be his wife, despite of his wife (Minoo Mumtaz), who opposes his marriage plans. Niloufer, who loves Pervez (Ajit), re…
  • 宫女玛雅自幼陪伴着公主长大,她出落得比公主漂亮,也比公主更擅长歌舞,这让公主心生妒忌,因此处处苛待玛雅。公主即将嫁给邻国的王子,为了报复公主,玛雅婚礼前夜诱惑并且得到了王子的身体。比基一直暗中爱慕着玛雅,得知玛雅的无耻行径,愤怒的他将一切都告诉了国王,最终,玛雅被赶出了皇宫,流落街头。无处可去的玛雅邂逅了宫廷雕刻师杰基…
  • 维希瓦·劳自小由母亲带大,母亲一直期望他可以成为一名出色的警官。然而,他自己却有个不一样的计划——成为一名电影中的英雄。
  • The story is set in a Zamindar's palace. Just like in Velaikaran, Rajni Zamindar Sarath Babu's loyal servant. In a village drama, Meena catches Sarath's eye but a turn of circumstances forces Rajni to take Meena back home. They are stuck for a while in Kerala and romance blossoms. develops between Sarat and Rajni and R…