- The film tells the story of Sodabuddi, who spends his life wastefully. He has two romantic encounters and the audience gets to relive these tales, until the climax throws in a complete surprise.
- Sunil Mehta gets stuck in a giant ferris wheel with an attractive young woman all night due to power failure. He arrives home the next day, and meets a very suspicious wife, Geeta, who knows that he has been up to no good. She refuses to believe his story about the stalled ferris wheel, and he invents a story about spe…
- Anoop (Dharmendra) is a struggling writer. One day he meets with wealthy and beautiful Seema (Hema Malini) and both fall in love. When Seema's brother Rajan Choudhury (Pran) finds out, he is angered and forbids Seema to see Anoop again. On the other hand Anoop's sister, Rekha (Aruna Irani), and Rajan's brother-in-law M…
- Shyam (Manoj Kumar) lives in the city with this mother (Lalita Pawar). He has come of age, so his mother wants him to get married. She even selects a girl for him, and asks him to go and meet her. shyam reluctantly agrees, and travels by train to see the girl and her parents. During his journey he comes across a con ma…