- Four interior designers help homeowners stuck in a design rut. The designers use virtual reality technology to offer up two designs and once the contributor has selected one they will capture the progress of the makeover via video diaries.
- For technical reasons – too massive! – this 50-ton bronze colossus was not demolished in 1993. Today it is listed as a historical monument, along with the associated housing estate. A relic from the old days: Today, the raised fist of the …
- kakao TV原创综艺节目《Change Days》是一档情侣重置节目,为因为长期恋爱、工作、性格倾向、恋爱方式的差异等原因而失去心动的2030情侣们寻找“新开始”。3对情侣通过一周的旅行,各自思考自己想要的幸福恋爱形态,寻找"为了我"的真正幸福结局。 每对情侣在旅行最后一天将会抉择是否要与现有的恋人继续恋爱,还是选择美丽的离别,或…
- 1972年在菲律宾的一个偏远乡村发生了许多神秘事件。森林里传来哭泣声、母牛被砍死、在田间发现流血死去的男人、许多房屋被烧毁。军事行动越来越普遍,残忍的民兵统治着乡村。费迪南德·E·马科斯宣布1081号公告命令,实行全国戒严。