- 个性活泼开朗有时候显得有些大大咧咧的水无月遥(田村由加莉 配音)、成熟稳重颇具大小姐风范的神无月葵(能登麻美子 配音)、从意大利转学而来的天才少女叶月胡桃(钉宫理惠 配音),活泼可爱的三人平日里在学校中是无话不谈的好友,过着平凡的校园生活,但每当夜晚来临,她们便会变身成为拥有超能力的魔法少女。 三人的目标,是寻找价值连…
- Born in 1918 in the ideal village of independence activists in the northern part of Manchuria, pastor Moon Ik-hwan lost his childhood friend Yun Dong-ju under Japanese oppression and Chang Chun-ha during the Yusin regime. Moon survived the mass of modern Korean history, giving hope everywhere suffering.